

A baby! I have one!

Apparently I suck at actually maintaining blogs. I really thought I’d posted this, early december even. I thought I’d written a whole heartfelt post about what motherhood is teaching me, the spiritual implications of severe sleep deprivation, and how adorable my new child is.  And somehow the internet ate it.  Ah well.

I spent much of my pregnancy thinking I wanted to more rigorously record the journey, and finding myself feeling intensely private about the process. I am feeling less private now that he’s here, on the outside as it were :).

My Haley is now 2 months old, and every day brings amazement, new things, new challenges.  Who I was is not who I am now.  I don’t know entirely yet who I am on the other side of this, except happy and humbled and blessed.  I actually mostly loved being pregnant – I spent 9 months feeling like I was filled with secret treasure. And now I spend my days nurturing this new person, who shows me a little bit more every day who he is, who he is becoming. And teaching me who I am becoming as well.

My world is much smaller than it was. It’ll get big again, sooner or later. Hey I even managed to make it to SCA 12th Night yesterday! For now, I’m mostly enjoying the quiet. And getting better at typing one-handed…

There’s being all kinds of interesting conversation happening in the big wide blogosphere about polytheism and all kinds of things, and perhaps this will be what propels me back into writing. We’ll see. I have Big Thoughts, but not a whole lot of coherent brain power and time to type.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    I love that comment,”who I was is not who I am now”. That still feels so true, even though my own ‘squnchm’ is now legally able to buy liquor!

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